Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Learn when to plant your vegetables! Have you ever planted peas at the same time as your tomatoes and got hard, stringy peas? Maybe you waited until after the last frost and planted your lettuce, only to wonder why your lettuce was so bitter that not even a desperate bunny would eat it. THERMO GARDENING is a revolutionary new way to teach you when to plant vegetables.

My goal is to FOREVER eliminate the myth that vegetables cannot be planted until Mothers Day, or Memorial Day, or whatever your local lore states. No matter where you live, no matter how you garden (in-ground, above-ground, upside-down, square-foot gardening or in containers), THERMO GARDENING can help you to get more from your garden. My promise to you is that you will be eating vegetables by your last frost date. NO WAY!:)

"Every vegetable has it's season, every season has it's bounty."

That's the motto of THERMO can dive in to the science of optimum growing temperatures as much or as little as you want. The important thing is to start gardening earlier and garden longer!

In THERMO GARDENING, every vegetable is assigned a color according to it's optimum season of growth. You will get better tasting vegetables, longer harvests and along the way you will ROCK the science of succession planting. Many vegetables can be planted over and over again, and are assigned to several color groups.

Click on the page links and discover the color code, and find the lists of plants, thier optimum growing temperatures, and plan out your garden accordingly! It's so easy as paint by numbers!  Start learning today when to plant your vegetables with THERMO GARDENING!